14.04.2020 by Dr. Shona Marsh

Making Your Rheology Life Easier – rSpace Kinexus Software

Learn more about how the Kinexus rSpace software can make your rheological measurements easier, whether you are new to rheology or an experienced rheologist!

Intuitive Software

 Whether you are a new user or an experienced rheologist, the software is completely flexible and customizable to your needs. Using building blocks called ‘actions’ you can include instructions (written, image or video) and unique prompts to make SOP test methods. These give you complete control with just a press of one button – start!

Simulation Mode

 A very clever and useful feature of the software is that you can operate in simulated mode. You can test your custom-made methods, practice with the software and analyze results without having to be connected to the instrument. The simulation will generate data so you can even check your bespoke sequences are working in the right way offline.

Complete Sample History

 From the moment you load a sample through to unloading and cleaning, data is captured and stored within the results file. Comparisons can be seen before you even perform a measurement. Everything you choose to do to the sample is recorded with time stamps providing a historical audit trail.


rFinder is a helpful search engine within the software. From here, you can find previous results and reports, alternative table and chart templates, standard rheological analysis models and a complete searchable list of inbuilt sequences and solutions to problems.

Live Data

In order to make sure you have full confidence in the quality of your ‘final result’, we always recommend viewing the live data which is reported in all measurements. For example, in a table of shear rates, the live data should show the StressStress is defined as a level of force applied on a sample with a well-defined cross section. (Stress = force/area). Samples having a circular or rectangular cross section can be compressed or stretched. Elastic materials like rubber can be stretched up to 5 to 10 times their original length.stress and StrainStrain describes a deformation of a material, which is loaded mechanically by an external force or stress. Rubber compounds show creep properties, if a static load is applied.strain stepping up in a smooth, controlled manner. It is important to consider that this live data is what the rheometer is actually measuring, this is the data used to calculate the ‘final result’ such as viscosity or modulus. Consider live data as a “quality indicator” – good quality live data means good quality final results.

To learn more about obtaining good quality viscosity results, watch our most recent rheology webinar here.