Webinar series

NETZSCH interviews Additive Manufacturing Experts 

In free webinars, Dr. Natalie Rudolph chats with experts from both academia and industry about their work and research with Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies to answer some of the pressing questions we received from our viewers of the Basics series. They answer those questions and share important insights and knowledge. 

    Further upcoming topics & dates will be announced soon

    Previous webinars 

    동영상을 시청하시려면 마케팅 쿠키 사용에 동의해주십시오.

    Metal and Polymer Powder Bed Fusion
    Special guest: Prof. Dr. Katrin Wudy

    동영상을 시청하시려면 마케팅 쿠키 사용에 동의해주십시오.

    Material Extrusion from Prototype to Real Application
    Special guest: Dr. Tom Mulholland

    동영상을 시청하시려면 마케팅 쿠키 사용에 동의해주십시오.

    Understanding Material Properties for Industrial Material Extrusion
    Special guest: Dr. Tom Mulholland

    동영상을 시청하시려면 마케팅 쿠키 사용에 동의해주십시오.

    Digital Light Synthesis of UV-Curable Materials
    Special guest: Dr. Alec Redmann