Cerâmica & Vidro

Amostra em alumina — Sinterização

A Amostra de alumina foi testada com o DIL 402 C utilizando o software NETZSCH Rate-Controlled Sintering (RCS)The properties of sintered products, such as density or particle size distribution, are determined by the sintering conditions (temperature, atmosphere, etc.) and especially by the sintering rates. RCS (Rate-Controlled Sintering (RCS)The properties of sintered products, such as density or particle size distribution, are determined by the sintering conditions (temperature, atmosphere, etc.) and especially by the sintering rates. Rate Controlled Sintering), com taxa de sinterização controlada.

As medições foram feitas a uma taxa de aquecimento de 10 K/min. O modo de start/stop do software Rate-Controlled Sintering (RCS)The properties of sintered products, such as density or particle size distribution, are determined by the sintering conditions (temperature, atmosphere, etc.) and especially by the sintering rates. RCS foi usado. O valor de limiar era de 10 pm/min. (0,046%/min.). A taxa de aquecimento é limitada pelo Rate-Controlled Sintering (RCS)The properties of sintered products, such as density or particle size distribution, are determined by the sintering conditions (temperature, atmosphere, etc.) and especially by the sintering rates. RCS durante sinterização, para alcançar uma taxa de encolhimento constante. A influência de aditivos (por exemplo - ligas orgânicas ou argilas), foi medida até 1150°C. O estágio principal de sinterização ocorreu entre 1150°C e 1350°C.