Peintures, Encres et Revêtements

In order to achieve the desired performance of an ink or paint, understanding the required rheological properties is very critical. Viscosity, viscoelasticity, thixotropy and yield stress are important parameters to analyze when considering ink or paint formulation. Behaviour at rest conditions, in order to achieve stability, needs to be different in behavior during application where the product needs to flow properly prior to deposition. Optimizing the rheological properties allows for control of parameters such as print resolution, orange peel effects, sagging and stability.

Which Rheometer suits your needs?

Rotational and Capillary Rheometers

From the entry level Kinexus Prime lab+ to the most sensitive Kinexus Prime ultra+, we have a range of rotational rheometers to meet your needs, suited to sample type and measurement requirements. Some examples of our extensive range of optional extras include the ability to perform UV curing measurements or to prevent sample drying during measurement, a solvent trap accessory.

A high-pressure capillary rheometer can replicate the higher shear rates of your processing or application conditions. The portfolio includes the bench-top Rosand RH2000 and the more powerful RH7 and RH10 models. With the options of fluids piston tips and small diameter dies for low viscosity materials to achieve high shear rates.