11.02.2022 by Aileen Sammler

Let´s celebrate: NETZSCH Women working in Science

Today we celebrate the International Day of Women & Girls in Science – A global movement to inspire girls and women to join the innovative world of science and engineering.​ For this purpose, we have prepared a video about our NETZSCH women working in science…

Today we celebrate the International Day of Women & Girls in Science – A global movement to inspire girls and women to join the innovative world of science and engineering.​ (Source: https://www.womeninscienceday.org)​

​NETZSCH is striving to break down the stereotypical barriers that in the past may have made women hesitate before entering the exciting world of science. ​Our company culture reveals opportunities through experience and recognizes that achievements and rewards are greatly enriched by gender inclusivity. ​ To give you a little insight of our NETZSCH women working in the field of science, we prepared a video for you:

동영상을 시청하시려면 마케팅 쿠키 사용에 동의해주십시오.

NETZSCH is supporting, encouraging and empowering all of our employees to grow and self-develop. In doing so, we also strive to bring dedicated innovation and momentum to the world of materials, passionately creating and helping the planet to be a better place.​

We asked two more of our female employees working in science, why they have chosen to study their field of science and what they love most about working in science at NETZSCH.

Here are the statements of our ladies working in sales at NETZSCH Instruments North America:

Dr. Erica DeLaney has a PhD in Chemistry and started working as Southeast Sales Manager at NETZSCH Instruments North America three years ago:

Erica, why did you choose to study your field of science?“You can’t avoid chemistry. It is responsible for why our cakes rise and the reason our cleaning products work. Studying chemistry allowed me the opportunity to understand the world a little better and be part of research that might one day revolutionize how we live. I just found it so fascinating!”

Why did you choose to work at NETZSCH and what are you responsible for?
“I loved the fact that NETZSCH was willing to train me in sales. I was looking for mentorship in my first sales role and really found that in my management team. Today, I am responsible for thermal analysis sales in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi.”

What do you love most about working in science and NETZSCH?
“The best thing about NETZSCH is my colleagues. I also love that NETZSCH gives you the freedom to wear many hats. It’s amazing to feel like I have a contribution (however small) to the developments that will one day improve our lives and the lives of our children.”

Manisha Tomar joined NETZSCH Instruments North America in 2019. She graduated with a combination of Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Chemistry, Physical and Chemical Sciences, Environmental Engineering.

Manisha, you are working as West Coast Regional Manager in North America. Why did you choose your field of science and why did you choose working at NETZSCH? “I had a passion for sciences from childhood. NETZSCH stands for Proven Excellence and has done for decades so I wanted to learn from the best.”

What do you love most about your job? 
 “I am responsible for the West Coast USA/ Canada business development and sales. Critical thinking and providing solutions are crucial to this business. The current role provides multitude of opportunities to represent NETZSCH as a world leader and our dedication to thermal analysis. For me, the platform has allowed for constant learning, improvement and the desire to be the best in the field.” 

Thank you ladies for these wonderful insights!

For more information about NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing watch our introduction video on YouTube or have a look at our website. NETZSCH. Proven Excellence.