Repair Service

All over the world, the NETZSCH name stands for comprehensive support and proficient, reliable repair service. Our ambition is to provide you with the best possible support at any given time and place:

Specialized In-House Repairs: NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing offers a dedicated in-house repair service at our factory that ensures all repairs are carried out with the utmost precision and using the latest technologies. If you require on-site repair service at your location, please contact our service department.

Qualified Technicians: All repairs are conducted by qualified technicians who have received specialized training in the maintenance and repair of NETZSCH equipment. Our service staff, both in the office and in the field, receive in-house education. Regular training ensures that their specialized knowledge is always up to date.

Original Spare Parts: Only original spare parts are used for all repairs to ensure the best quality and performance.

Comprehensive Diagnosis: Before each repair, a comprehensive diagnosis is conducted to accurately identify the problem's cause and enable targeted repairs. A cost estimate is available upon request.

Warranty on Repairs: NETZSCH provides a warranty on all in-house repairs to fortify customer confidence in our service quality. 


These benefits underscore NETZSCH's commitment to quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Our in-house repair service is an integral component of our comprehensive service offering. It plays a vital role in ensuring the long-term performance and reliability of our equipment.

For more information or to request a repair, please visit the official service page for NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing or contact customer service directly.

خدمة التصليح

  1. Contact the NETZSCH Customer Service or your local service partner with your request.
  2. The NETZSCH Customer Service or service partner will work with you to select the best solution for your request and suggest either a repair on-site or at our factory in Selb.
  3. Send your instrument or accessory to Selb together with the declaration of decontamination and the repair cover form.
  4. When repairing accessories, we may provide you with the original packaging - this is decided on a case-by-case basis.
  5. After inspecting your device, you will receive an estimate of the repair costs on request.
  6. Place the repair order with us.
  7. Once the order has been completed, we will return the instrument /accessory to you.
  8. A further appointment with a service technician on-site may be necessary for the re-installation.

لتجنب التأخير غير الضروري في الإصلاحات، لدينا نموذجين متاحين لك. يرجى ملء هذين النموذجين وإرسالهما مع الأجزاء المعيبة إلى:

NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH
خدمة العملاء
Sedanstraße 39
95100 Selb ألمانيا

يرجى الاتصال:


نموذج غطاء الإصلاح: يرجى طباعته وتعبئته وإرفاقه مع كل إصلاح.

إقرار بالتلوث: هذا النموذج مطلوب فقط للمكونات المعيبة التي تلامست مع عينات أو نواتج تحلل العينات. يرجى طباعته وتعبئته وإرفاقه مع الإصلاح.

Service & Support

Contact us today to learn more about our repair service and how it can enhance your service experience with NETZSCH.

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