24.03.2021 by Milena Riedl, Dr. Natalie Rudolph
How do I Find the Perfect Print Temperature for my Filament?
Dr. Natalie Rudolph explains which aspects have to be taken into account to find the best print temperature for your 3D printer. Most importantly, she introduces the Modified Melt Flow Test, which allows home users to easily determine the perfect print temperature for any given filament. All that is needed are a stop watch, a kitchen scale and a sharp object, e.g. a spatula.
As a response to our video series in which we introduced the 7 technologies of Additive Manufacturing, we have received a huge amount of direct messages and emails from you. For now, we took your questions related to common 3D printing issues and categorized them into what we call 3D Printing myths – common concerns and sometimes misconceptions of this industry.
Finding the perfect print temperature for your filament
Material suppliers often only provide a temperature range where the given filament is printable.
Dr. Natalie Rudolph explains which aspects must be taken into account to find the best print temperature for your 3D printer. Most importantly, she introduces the Modified Melt Flow Test, which allows home users to easily determine the perfect print temperature for any given filament. All that is needed are a stopwatch, a kitchen scale and a sharp object, e.g. a spatula.
Enjoy watching, try it out and leave your results in the YouTube commentary!
Why Do Printing Temperatures of the Same Material Differ Between Different Filament Manufacturers?
Dr. Natalie Rudolph discusses why there are different printing temperatures for one material (e.g., ABS or PLA), which you bought from different filament suppliers. She shares insights into the detection of the melting and softening properties of filaments with analytical instruments and gives tips on how home users of 3D printers can use this knowledge.
Did you miss the video? Click here!
Thermal Analysis and Rheology in Polymer Additive Manufacturing
Discover the secrets behind AM's game-changing capabilities! Our newly released ebook delves deep into the heart of AM, unveiling the power of reliable material characterization techniques, specifically thermal analysis and rheology.