Dielectric Analysis
For investigation of the Curing (Crosslinking Reactions)Literally translated, the term “crosslinking“ means “cross networking”. In the chemical context, it is used for reactions in which molecules are linked together by introducing covalent bonds and forming three-dimensional networks.curing behavior of thermosetting resin systems, composite materials, adhesives and paints, Dielectric Analysis (DEA) in accordance with ASTM E2038 or E2039 has stood the test of time.
Dielectric Analysis (DEA), also known as Dielectric Thermal Analysis (DETA), is a technique for monitoring changes in viscosity and the cure state of thermosetting resins, adhesives, paints, composites and other kinds of polymers or organic substances by measuring variations in their dielectric properties.
The great advantage of DEA is that it can be employed not only on a laboratory scale, but also in the plastic production process. Integrated into the mold, dielectric sensors measure crucial material properties to monitor and predict part quality.
Together with the sensXPERT® solution, a reduction in scrap and an increase in efficiency and transparency can be achieved.
For measurement of the ion conductivity, which is calculated from the dielectric loss factor, or its reciprocal value, the Ion ViscosityIon viscosity is the reciprocal value of the ion conductivity, which is calculated from the dielectric loss factor.ion viscosity, NETZSCH offers single- and multiple-channel DEA systems, depending on the application, which operate in various measurement and frequency ranges with different types of sensors.
DEA is the most powerful measurement technique for the critical, invisible in-mold Curing (Crosslinking Reactions)Literally translated, the term “crosslinking“ means “cross networking”. In the chemical context, it is used for reactions in which molecules are linked together by introducing covalent bonds and forming three-dimensional networks.curing that dictates the quality of a component.
DEA 288 Ionic
Dielectric Analyzer
Opening a New World of Cure Monitoring - Customized Test Conditions
The multi-functional design of the DEA 288 Ionic allows for the application of a great variety of different test conditions such as heat, cold or UV light. This enables the user to easily and conveniently determine the best parameters for processing the material.
Innovative sensors creating intelligent molds
Material science builds the foundation of the machine learning algorithm. Together with data of your machines, optimal Curing (Crosslinking Reactions)Literally translated, the term “crosslinking“ means “cross networking”. In the chemical context, it is used for reactions in which molecules are linked together by introducing covalent bonds and forming three-dimensional networks.curing of the material is predicted. The cutting edge software dynamically adapts your production process and eliminates the need of costly quality control after production. sensXPERT® increases your production efficiency, minimizes scrap rates and enables you to run a more robust, reliable and reproducible plant.