08.12.2021 by Milena Riedl, Cornelia Beyer

NETZSCH DEA – From the Laboratory to the Shop Floor

In August, the newly founded company NETZSCH Process Intelligence GmbH (NXP) introduced its kick-off product under the brand sensXPERT®®. Learn, how NETZSCH DEA sensors, combined with edgedevice, machine-learning algorithms and an intuitive cloud application provide the basis for real-time process technology.

The NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing Business Unit is pleased to announce the launch of  NETZSCH Venture NXP to send out a clear signal that we not only understand our customers’ needs for new intelligent process analysis and optimization solutions, but also provide them with new satisfactory products.
Over the last 1.5 years, a select team of experts dedicated their time to master the development of a highly reliable measurement technique to ensure manufacturing process control on an entirely new level.
Unique NETZSCH DEA sensors, combined with edge device (data interface between the sensors and cloud), machine-learning algorithms and an intuitive cloud application provide the basis for real-time process technology.

In August this year, the newly founded company NETZSCH Process Intelligence GmbH (NXP) introduced its kick-off product under the brand sensXPERT®®. With the support of pre-selected test clients, NXP will serve various industries ranging from the automotive, to the aviation and to the construction industries.

Picture: sensXPERT® Digital Mold Product
Picture: Injection Molding Machine

Win-Win for All Parties: The NETZSCH Laboratory DEA Expands its Reach

In close cooperation with decision-makers from the plastic industry, the task force has identified key manufacturing challenges. Raw material deviations, prolonged cycle times and costly trial & error processes result in significant productivity losses. Further, plastics manufacturers work hard to optimize scrap, identify and solve efficiency issues, and avoid downstream costs.

Tradition Meets Innovation

  • Solution-as-a-Service model for cost efficiency and fast return on investment
  • Durable DEA sensors become part of the mold and measure the real-time material behavior while it is processed
  • Edge device with sensor interface and machine-learning algorithms, predicting the sweet spot for demolding and dynamically adapting the manufacturing process
  • sensXPERT®® cloud for intuitive dashboards, total process transparency and data management

sensXPERT®®: In a Nutshell

  • Dynamic process control by adapting cycle times to real-time material behavior
  • Securing continuous product quality and minimizing scrap
  • Tapping the full potential of efficiency potentials of equipment during the entire manufacturing process
  • Complete process visualization and transparency across multiple plants and productions lines by means of the intuitive sensXPERT®® cloud

Learn more about us and our products and become part of the sensXPERT®® community!

Contact information:    
Website: www.sensxpert.com
E-Mail: info@sensxpert.com       

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