08.04.2024 by Aileen Sammler

Thermal Analysis at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids

The Max Planck Society is the responsible body for a large number of basic research facilities in Germany and abroad. With its 84 institutes and facilities, it is Germany’s most successful research organization and the international flagship for German science. 

The Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe (Chemical Physics of Solids) in Dresden uses NETZSCH thermal analysis instruments to support the synthesis and crystal growing at the institute. In particular, the NETZSCH Skimmer coupling makes it possible to identify easily condensable gases such as arsenic, tellurium or various metal vapors, even at high temperatures. 

This is a case study by Susann Scharsach and Dr. Marcus Schmidt about Thermal Analysis Systems Supporting the Synthesis and Crystal Growing at the Max Planck Institute.

Susann Scharsach and Dr. Marcus Schmidt

„NETZSCH thermal analysis instruments support the synthesis and crystal growing at the institute. In particular, the Skimmer coupling makes it possible to identify easily condensable gases such as arsenic, tellurium or various metal vapors, even at high temperatures.“

Susann Scharsach and Dr. Marcus Schmidt
Staff members at the Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, Germany

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