Please use the appropriate registration form. The registrations will be handled in order of date of receipt. Some days after registration, you will receive a confirmation. Shortly before the event, you will receive a description of how to reach the venue and - depending on the type of the event - a reservation confirmation for your hotel room.
For customers inside the EC: Please do always tell us your value added tax identification number.
Venue in Selb:
NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH
Wittelsbacher Straße 42
95100 Selb
Hotel reservations for seminars:
We will be happy to take care of this for you. Please let us know your arrival and departure information. You only pay those overnight stays at the hotel which are not included in the training fee.
Seminar fees:
Shortly before the courses and seminars (or shortly after the individual trainings) you will receive a bill.
The bill will be issued to the billing adress which you gave us. If you do not have any separate billing adress, the bill will be sent directly to the seminar attendant.
Cancelation of your registration:
We charge a cancellation handling fee of 40 Euros up until two weeks before the event. Afterwards (i.e., in the two weeks immediately preceding the event), we charge half of the seminar fee. If a filed seminar attendant does not appear, we have to charge the complete seminar fee (plus value-added tax). Surrogate attendants are accepted.
Event schedule:
Shortly before the event, every attendant will receive a complete event schedule by fax or e-mail.
NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH reserves the right to cancel planned events up until one week before they begin. Should this be the case, affected attendants will be informed immediately. NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH will not be liable for compensation for damages.
Seminar documents and attendant lists:
Issued training documents and attendant lists are only intended for the personal use of the attendants. It is not allowed to duplicate or pass on these documents to third persons.