Multiple Module Calorimeter
A calorimeter device consisting of a base unit and exchangeable modules. One module is prepared for accelerating rate calorimetry (Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC)The method describing isothermal and adiabatic test procedures used to detect thermally exothermic decomposition reactions.ARC®), a second one is used for scanning tests (Scanning ModuleA calorimeter module being part of the Multipe Module Calorimeter (MMC) allowing for scanning test of a sample. This procedure can serve as a screening test in order to detect a thermal hazard potential within a reasonably short measurement time.Scanning Module) and a third one is related to battery testing for coin cells (Coin Cell ModuleA calorimeter module being part of the Multiple Module Calorimeter (MMC) allowing for scanning and isothermal tests of complete coins of variable size. The DSC-like twin design gives a differential signal of the heat signature during a heating ramp or charging and discharging of batteries.Coin Cell Module).
The NETZSCH development team has created a totally new calorimeter system which can be used in commercial R&D, universities and research centers and QC/QA of various industries.
Like a DSC, the Multiple Module Calorimeter, Multiple Module Calorimeter (MMC)A multiple mode calorimeter device consisting of a base unit and exchangeable modules. One module is prepared for accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC), the ARC-Module. A second one is used for scanning tests (Scanning Module) and a third one is related to battery testing for coin cells (Coin Cell Module).MMC 274 Nexus®, measures chemical reactions and phase changes, but on gram-size samples. This allows for organic/inorganic multiphase mixtures/slurries testing. Like an Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC)The method describing isothermal and adiabatic test procedures used to detect thermally exothermic decomposition reactions.ARC®, it can run AdiabaticAdiabatic describes a system or measurement mode without any heat exchange with the surroundings. This mode can be realized using a calorimeter device according to the method of accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC). The main purpose of such a device is to study scenarios and thermal runaway reactions. A short description of the adiabatic mode is “no heat in – no heat out”.adiabatic tests necessary for process safety. The Multiple Module Calorimeter, Multiple Module Calorimeter (MMC)A multiple mode calorimeter device consisting of a base unit and exchangeable modules. One module is prepared for accelerating rate calorimetry (ARC), the ARC-Module. A second one is used for scanning tests (Scanning Module) and a third one is related to battery testing for coin cells (Coin Cell Module).MMC 274 Nexus®, successfully creates the synergy of two wellproven methods, DSC and ARC®.
Multiple Module Calorimeter MMC 274 Nexus®
Various Modules in One Calorimeter
Exchangeable calorimeter modules are available for different applications. The Accelerating Rate Calorimeter (Accelerating Rate Calorimetry (ARC)The method describing isothermal and adiabatic test procedures used to detect thermally exothermic decomposition reactions.ARC®) module can be used for standard process safety work. The External heater module can be employed for more sophisticated measurements.
Application Literature
Our NETZSCH applications laboratory is providing contract testing services for a wide range of industries and research centers. It is equipped with state-of-the-art testing instruments allowing for a variety of thermal analysis measurements to be carried out.
Consult with the experts in our applications labs to choose the best-suited measuring method for your specific needs.