11.01.2021 by Milena Riedl

Advanced Autosampling System for the DMA GABO Eplexor®

The DMA GABO Eplexor® series enables the dynamic mechanical (or static) characterization of a wide range of different materials. By adding one of the two available autosampling systems (ASC – Automatic Sample Changer or MPAS – Multi-Purpose Automatic Sample Changer), any DMA GABO Eplexor®® can be converted to a fully automatic testing system. Read more!

The DMA GABO Eplexor® series enables the dynamic mechanical (or static) characterization of a wide range of different materials including elastomers, polymers, composites, metals, glasses, ceramics, biomaterials, foods, adhesives and liquids. The modular design of the high-force DMA system allows for measurements in tension, compression, bending and shearing modes. Various add-on options make the DMA GABO Eplexor® series safe investments for the long term.

A powerful add-on: Autosampling systems

By adding one of the two available autosampling systems (ASC – Automatic Sample Changer or MPAS – Multi-Purpose Automatic Sample Changer), any DMA GABO Eplexor® can be converted to a fully automatic testing system. The unrivaled MPAS even facilitates the insertion of sample holders in arbitrary order.

The Multi-Purpose Automatic Sample Changer (MPAS)

The MPAS can be used for at least four different sample holder types without any user interaction. These are tensile, compression, double shear and 3-point bending, which are the most important geometries.

Watch a customer demo of the MPAS

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Watch the video of the Multi-Purpose Automatic Sample Changer (MPAS) manufactured in the NETZSCH offices in Ahlden, Germany! Experience the unique MPAS in action, while carrying out a time– and temperature sweep.

How many samples can be measured with the MPAS?

The standard configuration includes 10, 20, 30 or 40 samples. Optionally, MPAS can be expanded to 160 samples.

Which sample lengths can be handled by the MPAS? Are there any restrictions on thickness and width?

The MPAS can handle sample lengths of 10 mm and 30 mm. The samples can have a thickness from 1 to 4 mm and a width from 2 mm up to 10 mm. For best results, samples with 2-mm thickness and a width between 5 to 10 mm are recommended by our application specialists.

Is there a need to measure all sample dimensions before feeding them into the automatic sample changer?

Yes and no. Normally, the thickness of the sheets used for the sample preparation is fixed. The samples are normally about 2 mm thick due to the vulcanization process itself. Unfortunately, the sheets do not show a constant thickness. It can vary between 1.8 mm and 2.2 mm.

Therefore, it is reasonable to measure the thickness of the samples before the tests. The same should be done for the width.

The NETZSCH software solution for the DMA GABO Eplexor® and the MPAS allows entering the geometries of the samples afterwards – even if the test is over.

Is it mandatory to open the furnace and tighten the screws on the sample holder after cooling down to a subambient starting temperature?

This is no problem with this system. The holders are designed as self-tightening systems. There is no need to open the doors of the temperature chamber at low temperatures and tighten the holders again.

More information on the DMA GABO Eplexor® series is available here!