Analyse Mécanique Dynamique

DMA GABO Eplexor® Series jusqu'à ± 500 N

DMA Haute Force


Les instruments de test de la série DMA GABO Eplexor® jusqu'à ± 500 N permettent la caractérisation mécanique dynamique (ou statique) d'une large gamme de matériaux différents dont les élastomères et polymères, composites, métaux, verres, céramiques, biomatériaux et aliments, adhésifs et liquides.

La conception modulable des systèmes DMA Haute Force permet des mesures dans les modes tension, compression, flexion et cisaillement. Les machines d'essai de cette série se distinguent principalement par leurs gammes de forces dynamiques maximales de ± 25 N, ± 100 N, ± 150 N et ± 500 N.

Diverses options complémentaires font de ces machines de test un investissement sûr à long terme.

Toutes les machines d'essai de cette série sont conformes aux normes telles que DIN 53513, ISO 6721/1, ISO 6721/4, ISO 6721/5, ISO 6721/6, ISO 4664, ASTM D4065 et ASTM D4473.

Flexible et prêt pour l'avenir
... au moyen d'une variété de capteurs de force et de ContrainteLa Contrainte est définie par un niveau de force appliquée sur un échantillon d’une section bien définie. (Contrainte = force/surface). Les échantillons qui possèdent une section rectangulaire ou circulaire peuvent être comprimés ou étirés. Les matériaux élastiques comme les élastomères peuvent être étirés jusqu’à 5 à 10 fois leur longueur initiale.contrainte ainsi que de fours qui permettent des mises à niveau faciles du système de base à tout moment après la première installation

Niveaux de force élevés
... permettant des charges statiques jusqu'à 1500 N et des charges dynamiques jusqu'à ± 500 N; particulièrement utile pour les recherches sur les résines durcissables, les élastomères, les composites, les métaux, les verres ou les céramiques

Deux systèmes indépendants
... avec servomoteur pour charges statiques et oscillateur pour charges dynamiques

Capteurs de force interchangeables
 ... qui peuvent être facilement changés par l'opérateur; charges nominales disponibles de ± 10 N à ± 2500 N


Sample Holders for a Variety of Applications
...from liquids via reinforced thermosets to metals and ceramics — all materials can be investigated with the DMA GABO Eplexor®.  

DiPLEXOR® - Simultaneous DMA and DEA (on request)
...for the investigation of transport and RelaxationWhen a constant strain is applied to a rubber compound, the force necessary to maintain that strain is not constant but decreases with time; this behavior is known as stress relaxation. The process responsible for stress relaxation can be physical or chemical, and under normal conditions, both will occur at the same time. relaxation processes on the molecular level.  

Humidity Generator (HYGROMATOR®)
...add-on serves to investigate the water uptake of samples such as plastics and biopolymers. With the humidity generator, it is possible to create relative humidity values of between 5% and 95% in the temperature range between 5°C and 95°C.  

Immersion Bath
...even for measurements in the tension, compression and bending mode; for the investigation of aging or plasticizer effects caused by contact with water or oil.

Goodrich Flexometer Module
...for the optimization of the thermal properties and life cycle of tire mixtures; applies a cyclic load and measures the resulting temperature change due to heat build-up.  

Cooling Options
...two different cooling systems are available including liquid nitrogen cooling to -160°C and air chiller to -60°C to use with the standard furnace

DMA Measurements in Reactive Atmospheres
...containment with fume hood for in-situ investigations protects the laboratory environment.  

Film tension
Fiber cord tension
3-point bending
Asymmetric bending
4-point bending
Double shear
Dual cantilever
Dielectric dynamic mechanical combination


The Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer applies forced periodic loads to the sample and analyzes the phase shift between this primary excitation and the material’s response. The response of an ideal elastic system (e.g., spring) on a sinusoidal load at a given frequency is of the same frequency and exactly in phase with the excitation. The situation changes in a real system: A phase shift (δ > 0°) between the primary excitation and response of the same frequency occurs in the case of linear visco-elastic materials (e.g., polymers).

Elastic and non-elastic properties inherently describe the dynamic mechanical performance of the material. The storage modulus E’, the real part of the complex modulus E*, represents the elastic component; the Viscous modulusThe complex modulus (viscous component), loss modulus, or G’’, is the “imaginary” part of the samples the overall complex modulus. This viscous component indicates the liquid like, or out of phase, response of the sample being measurement. loss modulus E’’, the dissipated part, is the imaginary part. Depicted in the complex plane, the loss and storage modulus are the projections of the complex modulus onto the real and imaginary axis. The tangent of the angle between the real axis and the complex modulus (E*) represents the phase shift (tanδ) between the two.

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Technical Data

Temperature Range
-160°C to 1500°C (temperature range covered by three furnaces)
Static force range
up to 1500 N
Frequency range
0.01 Hz to 100 Hz; optional 0.0001 Hz and 200 Hz


The comprehensive DMA GABO Eplexor® software is based on Windows operating systems. The extensive software package comprises data and curve analyses, hysteresis representation, master curve calculations, etc.
It also includes specific templates for tension, compression or bending tests.

The software features include:

Consultancy & Sales

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Related Devices

  • DMA 303 Eplexor®
    • Wide Temperature Range from -170°C to 800°C
    • Precise Forces up to 50 N Dynamic and Static
    • Accessories for Multiple Measuring Modes and a Variety of Sample Holders
  • DMA 523 Eplexor®
    • Static and dynamic force levels from max. ± 2000 N to max. ± 4000 N
    • Sample Holders for a Variety of Applications
    • Unrivaled Temperature Range from -160°C to 500°C
  • HBU 523 Gabometer
    • Temperature Range up to 300°C
    • Static force up to 6000N
    • Static deformation up to 70 mm
  • DMA Eplexor® HT Series up to 500 N

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NETZSCH GABO Eplexor® 500 N

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How to test Rubber - Strain Sweep in Compression Mode 

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How to test Rubber - Predictive Testing in Tensile Mode - Part 2  

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Predictive Testing in the Tire Industry 

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How to use Segment Program with Eplexor® 9 Software 

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How to test Rubber - Predictive Testing in Tensile Mode - Part 1