Análisis Térmico Dinamomecánico

Módulo en caliente para ensayos no destructivos: análisis DMA hasta altas temperaturas

Para cerámicas, metales, aleaciones, cristales, materiales compuestos y más 


La gama de DMA GABO Eplexor®® HT es la única línea de equipos en el mercado, capaz de realizar ensayos de DMA con una fuerza dinámica máxima de 500N hasta una temperatura de 1500ºC

Hay disponibles dos hornos de alta temperatura: RT hasta 1000°C y RT hasta 1500°C. Con un horno estándar (-160 hasta 500ºC) montado de manera simultánea, es posible realizar ensayos de manera consecutiva tanto en el rango de baja como de alta temperatura, por tanto los equipos de la serie Eplexor®® HT son capaces de cubrir todo el rango de temperatura comprendido entre -160 y 1500ºC.

La electrónica del sistema identifica de manera automática el horno usado en cada momento.

Están disponibles las siguientes configuraciones de DMA GABO Eplexor®® HT:

Configuración del equipoFuerza estática Max. StaticFuerza Dinámica Max. *)
DMA GABO Eplexor®® 25N HT1500 N± 25 N
DMA GABO Eplexor®® 100N HT1500 N± 100 N
DMA GABO Eplexor®® 150N HT1500 N± 150 N
DMA GABO Eplexor®® 500N HT1500 N± 500 N


The Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer applies forced periodic loads to the sample and analyzes the phase shift between this primary excitation and the material’s response. The response of an ideal elastic system (e.g., spring) on a sinusoidal load at a given frequency is of the same frequency and exactly in phase with the excitation. The situation changes in a real system: A phase shift (δ > 0°) between the primary excitation and response of the same frequency occurs in the case of linear visco-elastic materials (e.g., polymers).

Elastic and non-elastic properties inherently describe the dynamic mechanical performance of the material. The storage modulus E’, the real part of the complex modulus E*, represents the elastic component; the Viscous modulusThe complex modulus (viscous component), loss modulus, or G’’, is the “imaginary” part of the samples the overall complex modulus. This viscous component indicates the liquid like, or out of phase, response of the sample being measurement. loss modulus E’’, the dissipated part, is the imaginary part. Depicted in the complex plane, the loss and storage modulus are the projections of the complex modulus onto the real and imaginary axis. The tangent of the angle between the real axis and the complex modulus (E*) represents the phase shift (tanδ) between the two.


Technical Data

Temperature Range
-160°C to 1500°C
the full temperature range can be covered if the instrument is equipped with the low-temperature and one high-temperature furnace
Frequency Range
0.01 to 100 Hz; 
optional: 0.0001 Hz; 200 Hz
Static Force Range
max. 1500 N
  • Dynamic force range:
    from ± 25 N up to ± 500 N (depending on instrument type, see table)
  • Force sensor:
    interchangeable; nominal forces available from 10 N to 500 N (depending on the instrument type and configuration)
  • Static displacement: 
    max. 60 mm
  • Dynamic amplitude:
    from ± 1.5 mm up to ± 6 mm (depending on the instrument type and system configuration)
  • Measurement modes for applications above 500°C:
    asymmetric and 3/4-point bending, compression
  • Work space of the high-temperature furnaces:
    cylindrical chamber, diameter: 70 mm, height: 120 mm


The comprehensive DMA GABO Eplexor® HT Series software is based on Windows operating systems. The extensive software package comprises data and curve analyses, hysteresis representation, master curve calculations, etc.
It also includes specific templates for tension, compression or bending tests.

The software features include:

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Related Devices

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    • Precise Forces up to 50 N Dynamic and Static
    • Accessories for Multiple Measuring Modes and a Variety of Sample Holders
  • DMA 523 Eplexor®
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    • Sample Holders for a Variety of Applications
    • Unrivaled Temperature Range from -160°C to 500°C
  • DMA Eplexor® up to 500 N
  • HBU 523 Gabometer
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    • Static force up to 6000N
    • Static deformation up to 70 mm