20.06.2022 von Aileen Sammler

Announcing the First Biennial NETZSCH YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD at ITCC ITES 2022

The ITCC ITES 2022 conference recognizes contributions to the state-of-the-art in thermophysics with an international award. Following the motto “supporting the youth to bring a better future”, we are excited to announce the first biennial Young Scientists Award to be presented at the ITCC ITES conferences.

NETZSCH is the organizer of this years´ ITCC ITES joint conference. Due to the ongoing global pandemic, the ITCC ITES Conference has been rescheduled and is now taking place September 25-28, 2022 at the University of Massachusetts Lowell Inn and Conference Center in Lowell Massachusetts.

This premier conference series has a long history and has served since decades as an excellent forum for engineers, researchers, and program/project managers from industry, academia, and government labs to exchange and share the latest results in research and development. This conference will feature thermal conductivity and thermal expansion topics, as well as all thermophysical properties for materials, techniques, and applications.


The ITCC ITES 2022 conference recognizes contributions to the state-of-the-art in thermophysics with an international award. Following the motto “supporting the youth to bring a better future”, we are excited to announce the first biennial Young Scientists Award to be presented at the ITCC ITES conferences.

This could be you: Young scientist with a great idea

More and more, we are seeing that it is necessary for young scientists to be equipped with the proper support that enables them to adapt and prosper in our rapidly changing world. With this award, given as part of the ITCC ITES experience, we aim to acknowledge, encourage and empower young scientists in shaping the future of thermophysical science.

Be part of our lineup of outstanding plenary speakers!

We expect outstanding specialists in the field of thermophysical properties to report on their latest research projects and the recipient of this award will join the ranks by presenting his/her work at the plenary session.

Additionally, the recipient will receive

  • A $1,000 USD monetary award,
  • Complementary registration for the next ITCC ITES Conference and
  • A recognition plaque.

Current rules for nominations and selection

Submit your work and get recognized as part of this premier conference series.  The NETZSCH YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD is given at the ITCC ITES Conference by the Scientific Advisory Board for outstanding work done by a conference contributor. The prize is presented during the ITCC ITES Conference Awards Banquet and the recipient is requested to give a talk at the plenary session. 

  • The call for nominations is during the summer of the year preceding the award grant (e.g., summer 2022 for the 2022 award)
  • The nominee can be of any nationality, with Master’s degree or above and less than 40 years old on January 1st of the year the award is granted
  • The relevant research must have been carried out during the two years leading up to the ITCC ITES Conference
  • The award is intended for a single winner
  • There will not be a shared prize and dual nominations are not accepted

Further details will be given yearly with the call for award nominations.

Evaluation of the applications

Every two years, the ITCC ITES Scientific Advisory Board oversees nominating a chairperson for the award. The chairperson is asked to form a committee the members of which are selected according to impartiality criteria. The chairperson and committee members evaluate the applications and decide on the recipient of the Young Scientist Award. Upon request, the ITCC ITES Scientific Advisory Board can assist the chair with the criteria for the award. The ITCC ITES Scientific Advisory Board is not involved in the final decision. 

Please note that no self-nominations are accepted. 

Stay in touch to be the first NETZSCH YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD recipient! Further details will be published on the conference website closer to the conference. Visit the website here!

Stay up to date on the conference preparations and be notified about the call for award nominations by following us on LinkedIn!

You want to visit us as participant?

Please support us in our planning and give us feedback in this non-binding survey. Thank you very much! To the survey

Your plans are already fixed? Register now and take advantage of the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT until the end of June!

Further updates, information, registration, and abstract submission details are available via the event website.