14.04.2021 von Milena Riedl, Dr. Natalie Rudolph
Material Science in Additive Manufacturing: Our Advanced Series!
In 2020, we started our “Material Science in Additive Manufacturing” video series as we faced an increasing interest from the industry to perfect their 3D printing processes and outcomes. First, we focused on understanding the 7 different Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. In the advanced section, we will dive deeper and look at the underlying material science as well as the methods suitable to analyze the materials and to optimize processes
Material Science in Additive Manufacturing consists of two sections that build on each other to bring the subject within reach of everyone ‒ regardless if you are just interested or already working in the field of additive manufacturing.
What did we cover in the basic series?
In the first section, the focus was on understanding the different Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies, process principles, materials, benefits and advantages, including where the different technologies and processes are applied in industry today.
The videos are permanently available in a playlist on our YouTube channel!
From this, we took your questions related to common 3D printing issues and categorized them into what we call 3D printing myths – common concerns and sometimes misconceptions of this industry.
What can you expect from the advanced series?
In the advanced section, we will dive deeper and look at the underlying material science as well as the methods suitable to analyze the materials and to optimize processes:
- More material and process-related content
- Select suitable thermoanalytical and rheological analysis methods
- Understand the resulting part properties based on material and process
The advanced series comprises even more insights:
Our blog series : Focus on SLS ‒ material properties of PA12 powder
We take a closer look at the Additive Manufacturing technology Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and share the results of measuring important material properties of SLS PA12 powder with and without fillers as well as 3D-printed parts.
The first articles are already available for you. Start with the basics here!
NETZSCH interviews Additive Manufacturing Experts
In free webinars, Dr. Natalie Rudolph chats with experts from both academia and industry about their work and research with Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies to answer some of the pressing questions we received from our viewers of the Basics series. They answer those questions and share important insights and knowledge.
Our first guest, Prof. Dr. Katrin Wudy from the Technical University of Munich, sheds more light on the similarities and differences of Metal and Polymer Powder Bed Fusion!
For more details and registration click here!
We are looking forward to you joining our advanced series! Enjoy!
Thermal Analysis and Rheology in Polymer Additive Manufacturing
Discover the secrets behind AM's game-changing capabilities! Our newly released ebook delves deep into the heart of AM, unveiling the power of reliable material characterization techniques, specifically thermal analysis and rheology.