
Creep Compliance (J)
クリープコンプライアンス (J) 

クリープコンプライアンス (J) とは、せん断ひずみをせん断応力で除したもので、物質に静的応力荷重を加えたときに示される瞬間的な連続曲げ変形が時間に応じてどのように変化するかを表す指標です。 単位は Pa-1を使います。 


Since the actual change in deformation depends on the load applied, it is normally referred to as compliance rather than deformation. Compliance is simply defined as the ratio of deformation to applied StressStress is defined as a level of force applied on a sample with a well-defined cross section. (Stress = force/area). Samples having a circular or rectangular cross section can be compressed or stretched. Elastic materials like rubber can be stretched up to 5 to 10 times their original length.stress and is marked with the letter J (J 0 = deformation/load). Due to this, CreepCreep describes a time and temperature dependent plastic deformation under a constant force. When a constant force is applied to a rubber compound, the initial deformation obtained due to the application of the force is not fixed. The deformation will increase with time.creep curves can even then be compared if they were not measured under the same shear StressStress is defined as a level of force applied on a sample with a well-defined cross section. (Stress = force/area). Samples having a circular or rectangular cross section can be compressed or stretched. Elastic materials like rubber can be stretched up to 5 to 10 times their original length.stress applied.


