同時熱重量測定 – 示差走査熱量測定 (STA/TG-DSC) 

STA 装置による同一試料の熱重量測定 (TG) と 示差走査熱量測定 (DSC) の同時測定には、二つの装置での別個の測定よりも多くの情報が含まれています:

  • TGとDSCの測定条件 (試料雰囲気、流量、試料の蒸気圧、昇温速度、試料パンとセンサーとの接触状態、輻射効果等)は完全に一致します。
  • 試料挙動に関する二つもしくはそれ以上の情報の同時性が常に確保されますので、信号の分析能力が改善 されます(相転移と分解や付加と凝集の区別、熱分解、酸化や燃焼反応の認識等)。

初期の段階から NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH は、同時熱分析装置の開発と改良に力を注いできました。


TGA や DSC (それぞれのセクションを参照)の装置、測定規格は、もちろんNETZSCH (ネッチ) STA装置に 踏襲されています。

The New STA 509 Jupiter® Series

The modular design of the STA allows for easy exchange of furnaces and sensors to accommodate multiple applications over a wide temperature range from -150°C to 2400°C. The top-loading design provides ideal performance and easy of use, making it the obvious choice for a flexible analytical system and evolved gas analysis. The vacuum-tight design and meticulous control of gas flows allow precise handling of high-purity atmospheres with respect to various inert, oxidizing, reducing and corrosive gases. 

A wide range of accessories, including humidity and water vapor generators, expand the application possibilities. Furthermore, the integration of Evolved Gas Analysis with MS, FT-IR, or GC-MS systems significantly enhances the analytical potential of the STA 509 Jupiter® series.

  • STA 509 Jupiter® Classic

    Best Price/Performance Ratio

    • RT to1600°C
    • SiC furnace
    • Balance resolution: 0.1 μg
    • Optional 20-position ASC
  • STA 509 Jupiter® Select

    Taylored to Your Needs

    • -150 to 2400°C
    • Choice of 12 different furnaces
    • Balance resolution: 0.1 μg
    • Optional 20-position ASC or 2nd furnace
  • STA 509 Jupiter® Supreme

    Instrument for Highest Performance

    • -150°C to 2000°C
    • Choice of 9 different furnaces
    • Balance resolution: 0.025 μg
    • Optional 20-position ASC or 2nd furnace
  • H₂Secure

    Safe Examination of Materials Under Hydrogen

    • Accessory for STA 509 Jupiter® series
    • Retrofittable for STA 449 Jupiter® series

The advantages are obvious: 


More Details about this method

Our NETZSCH applications laboratory is providing contract testing services for a wide range of industries and research centers. It is equipped with state-of-the-art testing instruments allowing for a variety of thermal analysis measurements to be carried out.

Consult with the experts in our applications labs to choose the best-suited measuring method for your specific needs.