30.11.2022 by Aileen Sammler
60 Years of Customer Orientation, Quality and All-Round Service
Since the beginning of the year, NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH has been celebrating its 60th anniversary. In addition to highlights such as the open-door day and the first in-house exhibition at the headquarters in Selb, we have been reporting every month to our customers and interested parties on the development of one of our analytical instruments and revealing what makes them so special. In addition, we ask you in our monthly raffle: Who has the oldest analyzer still in use?
Who has the oldest instrument still in use?
Dilatometers, STAs, couplings, thermobalances, DSCs, rheometers, LFAs, DMAs, fire testing devices - all these instruments we were already presented to you. Read on our anniversary blog about the history, our latest developments and the use of our instruments at our customers. Also, take a look at the raffle winners from January to September:
Service Month August
In August, the focus of our communication was not on an instrument, but on the worldwide NETZSCH service. Due to this special topic, we were looking for the best experience with our NETZSCH service this time. Today, we would like to present two of the service stories, which were sent by you:
Stefan Alipass, Project Technician Raw Materials, Application Analytics, Armacell GmbH:
"Dear Sir or Madam,
I have had numerous good experiences with your customer service and I feel, that it is the best in the field of all measuring devices I know. I always pass that on to my technician as well, because I think technicians hear that far too seldom. I was particularly impressed by 2 events. One took place at a time that was very difficult for NETZSCH. Right during the cyberattack on NETZSCH, in the middle of a series of test measurements, the temperature sensor of my sample carrier of our TGA failed. At that time, I didn't have any replacement, because a short time before, my 2nd one had a mechanical failure. I called NETZSCH to ask how soon I could get a replacement, but could not reach anyone. I then called my technician in charge, Mr. Wundersee, who told me about the cyberattack and that no repair or shipment of a new one was possible at the moment. We were prepared to have our TGA not available for a while. A short time later, Mr. Wundersee called and told me that he had organized a sample carrier for me. It turned out that he had immediately contacted his colleagues to ask for a sample carrier for us. He had organized everything! The sample carrier arrived by mail a few days later. Simply brilliant.
When the situation at NETZSCH had calmed down again, I wrote a short mail with my thanks for the great help. About one year later, I found out that this mail was posted at the department, because it was the only mail of this kind so far.“

Kenneth Stenlund, Laboratory Manager, Physical Chemistry, Åbo Akademi University Turku, Finland:
I am Kenneth Stenlund and I am working as Laboratory Manager at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, Finland. We have a NETZSCH STA 449 F1 Jupiter® and a QMS 403 C Aeolos® MS.
I am unable to find a better experience than the one when NETZSCH visited me since I have always felt like a king during all visits. Your field service technicians have an exceptionally high level of responsibility to really make sure that the device is in perfect order before leaving and that the customer feel secure by owning a NETZSCH device. One technician especially comes to mind, Torben Weigang. He is so thorough and always makes sure everything is 110% correct before he leaves. Also, your trainingis of exceptionally high level thanks to Ralf Franke, a gentleman and surely the most serious representative of the NETZSCH brand. Shortly, most of your personnel really feel proud of working for you since you really take care of them and this is key to all this positive customer service.
Your brand will for sure be regarded as a high quality brand for another 60 years!
Br, Kenneth.”
Many Thanks! We were very impressed by your entries and are proud of being your reliable partner for thermal analysis for decades!
By the way, our competition is still running until the beginning of January. We are currently looking for the oldest fire testing system/Thermal ConductivityThermal conductivity (λ with the unit W/(m•K)) describes the transport of energy – in the form of heat – through a body of mass as the result of a temperature gradient (see fig. 1). According to the second law of thermodynamics, heat always flows in the direction of the lower temperature.thermal conductivity instrument still in use: 60 Years of NETZSCH-Gerätebau: Fire Testing and Thermal Conductivity Made in Weimar - NETZSCH Analyzing & Testing
Finally, in December everything will be about software. Find out, how it all began in the 1980s with programming of a measurement and analysis software for a dilatometer on a HP 85 computer and why today's Proteus® and Kinetics Neo software solutions make your everyday work much easier.